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Woman reading a novel in a boutique's book section.

How Boutiques Can Benefit from a Book Section

Books make a great addition to any consumer store, and despite common thought, aren’t only reserved for bookstores. In fact, many smaller businesses and boutiques can greatly benefit from selling books in their shop. Unlike items like clothes, decor, or food, books never go out

Teenager looking through young adult books at a book store.

Stocking Your Young Adult Book Section

While it’s well known that teens today are a digital generation, it may be surprising to learn that the majority of young adults prefer printed, physical books to ebooks. In fact, a recent study found that 62% of young adults ages 16-24 prefer traditional books

different books lying on table in library

Creating a Book Section for Travel Lovers

With summer quickly approaching and the COVID pandemic dying down, many of us are ready to get back to traveling and vacations. At American Book Company, we have a great selection of travel books and guides that will be sure to attract the interest of

Female bookstore owner poses smiling with arms crossed in entry to her local bookstore.

How Mom-and-Pop Stores Benefit from a Good Book Selection

Local stores and mom-and-pop shops oftentimes serve as backbones of the community and can help bring people closer together. Nowadays, a lot of purchasing is done online or at major national retailers which can make it difficult for smaller shops to compete. Expanding your product